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Forums - News - It is kept between two pipes so as to help the labors to ascend high for their task

It is kept between two pipes so as to help the labors to ascend high for their task

Posted by Adto Zhou over 6 months ago

Couplers: - Couplers are the large pieces are used to hold up two or more pieces of structures. To join tubes end-to-end joint pins (also called spigots) or sleeve couplers are used. Only right angle couplers and swivel couplers can be used to fix tube in a 'load-bearing connection'. Single couplers are not load-bearing couplers and have no design capacity. Boards: - Boards or platform are used to provide a secure working surface for workmen. It is kept between two pipes so as to help the labors to ascend high for their task. They are usually hardened wood which comes in light weight with thickness as required. ADTO is a leading manufacturer in China, our major products, such as ringlock system scaffolding enjoy obbious advantage, all the ring lock scaffolding specifications( can be find here with high quality