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In addition to regular tree farming

Posted by Wei Veismart over 6 months ago

That's pretty much all you have to do while farming just make sure you run across every patch tree which it is possible to get to optimize expertise made. Also if you cover 200g into the NPC close patch that he can cut down a tree for you which is a faster way than doing this by yourself. While doing tree runs you constantly wish to plant best seeds which you can and cover the gardener to protect them from diseases. At level 15 you'll be doing regular trees which are implanted using acorns. Fruit tree runs. In addition to regular tree farming, you can do fruit tree works. These are very similar as you do exactly the very same things as with regular trees. The only distinction is what you'll plant and where since fruit trees are planted on particular spots. Where those are located you can find below in the'Fruit tree farming path' section of this manual. Just like with regular ones you would like to plant the maximum level seeds to maximize your exp gains. IF you want to buy it ,we have many products like this ,you can access